Home > Mahsulotlar > Loy nasosi > Bogrammoz > 220v zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan vidali pishiriq nasos
  • 220v zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan vidali pishiriq nasos
  • 220v zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan vidali pishiriq nasos
  • 220v zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan vidali pishiriq nasos
  • 220v zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan vidali pishiriq nasos
  • 220v zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan vidali pishiriq nasos

220v zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan vidali pishiriq nasos

$68 - 116 /Piece/Pieces
  • Mahsulot tavsifi
Mahsulot xususiyatlari

Model raqamiZGD


Place Of OriginChina

Power SourceElectric

Warranty3 Years

Customized SupportOem, Odm, Obm

Brand NameNew Generation

Model NumberZgd

Place Of OriginJiangsu, China



Cable Length70m

Outlet Size25mm



Ta'minot qobiliyati va qo'shimcha ma'lum...

PaketSovg'a qutisi paketi



Kelib chiqishiXitoy

Ta'minot qobiliyati100


HS kodi8413502090


To'lov turiL/C,T/T,Money Gram,Paypal,Western Union,D/P,D/A


Paket va etkazib berish
Sotish birliklari:
Paket turi:
Sovg'a qutisi paketi
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Mahsulot tavsifi
ZGD type self-priming screw pump is widely used for water extraction from wells in low water level areas and domestic water. Because of its high lift and large flow, it is especially suitable for water tower water supply, high-rise residential pressurization, high-pressure sprinkler irrigation, vegetable greenhouse water supply, fountains and other occasions.
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Configure high-precision bearings
High-precision ball bearings run smoothly Low noise Low loss
Booster Water Pump
  • Intelligent digital display water pump pressure switch
Water shortage protection
Power failure protection
Water and electricity
A set of intelligent controller + 2L pressure tank + lengthened four-way connection
This set of equipment is purchased according to the requirements.

Detailed Images
Hot sale Pure copper wire motor one year warranty Absolute discount Should not be missed Get free accessories

According to the volume and weight of the product and export requirements, provide multi-layer boxes and iron box packaging.
Transportation is based on customers in different regions using steam, rail, road and air transportatio n.
Booster Water Pump

Cooperation Process

Our company mainly deals in hardware tools, combined tools, electric tools, special tools for petroleum, metal processing machinery and petroleum drilling equipment. Diagonal Cutting Plier,Oil Drill Pipes,Drilling Tools,Diesel Engine Etc.Our companyoperates hardware tools and has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with many retailers. Rugao yaou import & Export Co. Ltd has won the trust of our customers with the principle of multi variety operation characteristics and small profit and quick turnover. Enjoy a high position among consumers.


Q1. How to get an accurate quotation?

A1: The customer should provide the related technical requirements, drawings, pictures, industrial voltage, planned output,
Q2. What if I use this machine for the first time and know nothing of it ?
A2: We will have our engineers teach you how to operate it,you can just inform us some details of the product you need then we can customize as your special order.
Q3. How does your factory do regarding quality control?
A3: We has been regard quality as the priority. We always attach great importance to quality controlling from the very beginning to the very end ,so our press can match all the CE and ISO standard also more strict standard .
Q4. How about your delivery time?
A4: Generally, it will take 35 working days after receiving your deposit payment. The specific delivery time depends on the items and the quantity of your order. Sometimes we have standard machines in stock.
Q5. What is the warrantee period of the machine?
A5: We can supply 1 year warranty for our machines, We can send engineer to customer place if big quality problem. We can provide internet or calling service at any time.
Q6. after-sales service
A6: 1. Installation:Free installation and commissioning, travel expense is on foreign customer.(Including round ticket and
accommodation cost)
2. Personnel training: Our engineers will give your employees free machine training when they come to your company to assemble the machines, and welcome to our factory to learn how to operate our machineQ1. How to get an accurate quotation?.

Mahsulot kategoriyalari : Loy nasosi > Bogrammoz


Rugao Yaou import va Eksport Co.CD 2004 yilda tashkil etilgan bo'lib, ularda tashqi savdo-iqtisodiy hamkorlik vazirligi tomonidan eng qadimgi savdo kompaniyalari o'rtasida boshlangan.

So'nggi o'n yil ichida kompaniyamiz neft qazish moslamalarida ishlaydigan mahalliy etkazib beruvchilarga chuqur strategik hamkorlik aloqalarini o'rnatgan va CNPC va Sinopec kabi taniqli katta yoki o'rtadagi suyuqliklarning yuqori darajadagi etkazib beruvchisi. Kompaniyamiz, shuningdek, apparat vositalarini ham amalga oshiradi va ko'plab chakana sotuvchilar bilan uzoq muddatli va barqaror hamkorlik aloqalarini o'rnatgan. Rugao Yaou import va Eksport Co. Ltd mijozlarimizning ko'p turli xil operatsion xususiyatlar va kichik foyda va tez aylanma bilan ta'minlandi. Iste'molchilar orasida yuqori mavqega egamiz. Kompaniyamiz tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan mahsulotlar Evropa, Amerika, Yaqin Sharq, Shimoliy Afrika va Janubi-Sharqiy Osiyo va Janubi-Sharqiy Osiyo va boshqa mintaqalarga eksport qilinadi. Bizning asosan mahsulotlarimiz: burg'ulash moslamalari, burg'ulash uskunalari, qattiq nazorat qilish, quduq jihozlari, baliq ovlash asboblari, tsementlash vositalari. Barcha ishlab chiqarish API standartida va ISO9001 : 2000 tomonidan tasdiqlangan.

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Home > Mahsulotlar > Loy nasosi > Bogrammoz > 220v zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan vidali pishiriq nasos
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    Mr. cnntyaou
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    Xabaringiz 20-8000 belgigacha bo'lishi kerak
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